complaint handling

Information on our Complaint Handling Procedure – Sports Fixed Odds Betting

Sporting Index is authorised and regulated by the UK Gambling Commission (GC) in respect of its sports fixed odds betting products and services for UK customers.

Our commitment to providing a high standard of service to our customers is paramount, however we do recognise that, from time to time, things can go wrong, or customers may have cause to feel dissatisfied with an aspect of the services we provide. We are committed to dealing with queries, complaints and disputes promptly, positively and fairly. Where we are at fault, we will aim to put things right at the earliest opportunity.

Account queries

If you have a query regarding your fixed odds betting account or your dealings in relation to fixed odds betting with Sporting Index, you should contact our customer services team at:


Telephone: 0208 1454 080

Live chat:, or

Post:  Sporting Index Ltd, Churchill House, Upper Marlborough Road, St Albans, AL1 3UU

Our customer services team will try to resolve the query for you as promptly and fairly as possible.

If our customer services team is unable to resolve the matter for you to your satisfaction, you may refer it as a formal complaint, or dispute, to our compliance department or request that your complaint is escalated as a dispute for review.  Please set out the details of the dispute clearly, ideally in writing. The compliance department will carry out an impartial review of the complaint with a view to understanding what did or did not happen and to assess whether we have acted fairly, within our rights and have met our contractual and other obligations. A full written response will be provided within eight weeks of receiving the initial complaint.

Please write to:, or

Compliance Department,

Sporting Index Ltd,

Churchill House,

Upper Marlborough Road,

St Albans,


To enable us to resolve your dispute as effectively as possible, please provide us with the following information:

  • your name and account reference,
  • the name and address of the organisation you represent, if you are making a complaint on behalf of a client,
  • details of the complaint including relevant references, dates of key events and any actions that you require Sporting Index to undertake to put things right.

Please note that Sporting Index will consider complaints or disputes raised by customers for up to six months from the date of the incident. Sporting Index will not accept complaints or disputes raised via social media platforms; instead, please use one of the channels listed above.

Disputes, or formally received complaints

We will promptly issue a written acknowledgement of any raised or escalated dispute after receipt, stating that the dispute has been received, and is being investigated. Your complaint will then be investigated by someone who was not directly involved with the subject of the complaint. 

Thereafter, we will keep you informed of the progress of the investigation.

When investigating your complaint, we will take into account the subject matter of your complaint, the evidence you have provided, the evidence on our records and relevant guidance from our regulator, the Gambling Commission (GC) and from the Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS).

We will write to you setting out the outcome of your complaint and supporting reasons, including details of how we have calculated any applicable redress.

Within eight weeks of the date of receipt, Sporting Index will issue a written final response, which will either:

  • accept the complaint and, where appropriate, offer redress or remedial action, or
  • offer redress or remedial action without accepting the complaint; or
  • reject the complaint and provide reasons for this decision.

In certain circumstances, for example, if the customer is failing to engage with the complaints process in a timely manner, Sporting Index may depart from this eight-week time limit and may ‘stop the clock’ on the process until such time as the customer has provided any reasonable information which is necessary to fairly and effectively undertake the investigation.

Independent Arbitration

If you do not feel that your complaint has been resolved satisfactorily by the compliance department, you are able to refer your complaint to the Independent Betting Adjudication Service (IBAS).

IBAS is an independent organisation that was established to resolve disputes between betting/gambling operators and their customers. This service is free of charge.

Details of IBAS will be provided by the compliance department in their final response to your complaint. Any referral to IBAS should take place within 12 months of the compliance department’s final response letter. You should also note that IBAS will not consider a complaint until we have had the opportunity to address the complaint.

The address of IBAS is:

The Independent Betting Adjudication Service

PO Box 62639



You can learn more about the Independent Betting Adjudication Service on their website at

Please contact Sporting Index should you wish to receive this document in an alternative form, e.g.: paper copy or by email.